Join our Patient Participation Group
Would you like to be part of a team that helps improve your GP practice? You can help shape the future of Abbey Medical Practice by joining our re-formed Patient Participation Group (PPG). We discuss all issues relating to Practice, including the quality of services we provide and how we provide them, how we can improve and how we can better engage with our patients
Initially, the group will consist of 20 patient members, with a patient as chairperson and a patient as vice chairperson (to be appointed), along with a secretary and representatives from the Practice. Meetings will be held quarterly, with the option of members to attend remotely if they are unable to come into the surgery.
The role of each PPG member is as follows:
- Liaise with patients and carers, discussing concerns and comments pertinent to organisation services
- Champion the PPG, actively engaging with the patient population and local community
- Attend and contribute to meetings, sending apologies in advance to the secretary in cases of known absence
- Remain polite and objective throughout meetings, listening to and respecting other members
- Be constructive and balanced when contributing to PPG meetings
- Represent the patient population effectively, expressing the views of the population in an objective manner
- Undertake any training and development opportunities that may arise for the benefit of the PPG
Virtual PPG
We will also have a “Virtual PPG” which any number of patients can be a part of. This will involve regular communication via email from a member of the Practice team, including any patient surveys that need to be undertaken.
How to sign up
Complete only one of the two forms below, for either our main PPG or the Virtual PPG, depending on which you wish to join:
- PPG sign up form –
- Virtual PPG sign up form –
Please bring the completed form into the surgery or post to: Mark Henalla, Abbey Medical Practice, 63 Monks Road, Lincoln, LN2 5HP
Alternatively you can send the form electronically using the “askmyGP” service between 9:00am and 12:00pm on any weekday