Nurse Practitioner Service

If you have any of the following – you can make an appointment with our Nurse Practitioner.

Asthma and COPD with more cough/wheeze than usual.

Chest infections

Ear pain or discharge

Sore throats, coughs and colds (more than a few days)

Suspected bladder infections (over 5s only)

Vaginal discharge symptoms

Leg Ulcers

Skin and wound infection

Animal bites


If patients need prescriptions or request advice on the following :

Asthma                                                    Inhalers, medications inc antihistamines

COPD                                                      Queries and medications

Smoking Cessation                                 Advice and medications for children

Paracetamol etc ( request eg Calpol !)               

Travel                                                       Advice & anti malarial

Dressings                                                If prescriptions needed

Skin problems                                         Medications or compression hosiery

      Contraception                                        Implants & pills – prescribing